“A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals.”- Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The Prison Radio Association創辦人Phil本身是媒體行業出身,擔任過BBC記者,認為廣播是非常有力量、美麗的媒介,看不到螢幕卻擁有比電視更具張力的畫面,因為畫面是觀者自行創造、想像的。
而這次的訪問組織The Prison Radio Association與上次訪談的Prison Radio屬於不同國家,The Prison Radio Association是英國一家監獄慈善機構,經營著國家監獄廣播電台,其為世界第一個為監獄設立的國家電台。PRA希望藉由廣播的力量降低再犯罪率,讓受刑人在節目中討論犯罪相關議題,藉此瞭解犯罪對受害者以及社會的影響。
The Prison Radio Association (PRA) is established as a charity in response to engaging with National Prison Radio (NPR), which is the world’s first national radio station for prisoners.
PRA aims to contribute to a reduction in reoffending using the power of radio. To help the audience understand the impact of crime on victims and society, they offer the chance for prisoners to discuss issues related to prison, offending and rehabilitation.
It is worth mentioning that programs are produced in prisons by prisoners working alongside the charity’s staff team of professional radio producers. Also, Prison Radio is broadcasting in the prison; the public couldn’t access the radio. Therefore, programs focus on talking with prisoners and listening to their voices. They could be at liberty to discuss any issues; the friends and relatives of prisoners could make song requests to send messages of love and support to their loved ones in prisons.
Phil Maguire, The founder of PRA, who is engaged in journalism, was in the position of BBC journalist. He said, “Radio is a powerful and beautiful medium.” Although radio isn’t similar to television with a screen, the audience could imagine the picture by themselves. For him, setting up a radio production project in prisons around the world is the biggest plan for prison radio in the future.