人物景深|Prison Radio

“We try to get rid of all the prisons.”


這是此次訪談的美國組織—Prison Radio的目標,比起改善、變革現有的監獄制度,他們更希望能徹底擺脫。美國地廣人疏,因此監獄雖然沒有擁擠的問題,但監獄卻一間間一直蓋,而獄內的工作又無趣又薪水低,且貧富差距大,犯人並不會因為進了監獄而變好,反而可能在這樣的環境下造成更嚴重的影響。

Prison Radio主要是搜集來自獄內的各種聲音,多是對政治問題的意見闡述,或是針對監所條件、犯罪或是其他經驗的分享,只要是監獄打來的電話,他們每一通都會接。接著,他們會把談話內容錄製下來,放在公開的網站上供各家電台免費取用,對Prison Radio來說,最重要的是 #呈現所有最真實的聲音,而不會進行任何過濾和篩選。其實監獄裡也有很多很有才華、很聰明的人,比如其中一位受刑人就替Prison Radio寫了很多書籍出版,從美國歷史中去探討為何現在這一切會被如此對待。
除此之外,組織也時常舉辦一些倡議活動,號招民眾一起為議題發聲。在行動過程中,難免會遇到持反對意見的人,但擔任Audio Engineer/Digital Communications Lead的Tommy表示,他們不會想要說服每一個人,而是專注在他們所做的事情上。未來組織希望能夠持續有活動、有書出版,且每週都有不同的東西進展,最後Tommy再次強調了組織的最終目標–幫助受刑人人離開監獄。
“We try to get rid of all the prisons.” It’s the goal of the American organization Prison Radio.
Instead of improving or reforming the prison system nowadays, they would rather entirely abolish it. Although there is no overcrowding problem in America due to its large continent, the situation they are facing is that the government builds as many prisons as they could to contain the huge numbers of criminals. Furthermore, the work in prison is boring and low-paid, having disparity between the rich and the poor. Inmates wouldn’t turn better after going to jail; Instead, the prison conditions could make them worse.
Prison Radio collects all the voices from prison, which are mainly political opinions or sharing experiences of prison life. They would answer and record every phone call from prison, making it freely accessible on the official website for Radio channels. For Prison Radio, the most important thing is to present all-natural voices not giving any selection or filtration. In fact, there are many talented and clever people in prison. For instance, one of them has written many books for Prison Radio, relating to American history and development.
In addition, Prison Radio has also organized some campaigns, gathering the public to fight for the issues. During the process, sometimes there would be people who are against them; however, for Tommy, who is Audio Engineer/Digital Communications Lead, he wouldn’t try to convince everyone but to focus on what he wants to do. Prison radio’s future plan is to keep holding activities, publishing books, and having new things happening every week. Lastly, Tommy emphasizes their organization’s goal again–to get people out of prisons.