人物景深|Prison Reform Trust



‘You can’t create a community unless everyone has a voice.’ 這句話來自本次訪談主角 Prison Reform Trust 的Prison Policy Network 計畫,意為:「除非每個人都有發言權,否則無法建立一個完整的社會。」

Prison Reform Trust(PRT) 為英國的一家獨立慈善組織,致力於
1️⃣. 英國的監獄體系有四層受刑人分類,從A至D階段,最為理想的D階段為開放式監獄,沒有柵欄隔絕外界,可以外出工作再回來,也可以拜訪家人,成功達到社會連結的目的,也改善監所擁擠的問題。
2️⃣. Prison Reform Trust執行的PPN計畫(Prison Policy Network)蒐集了超過1250位受刑人的想法與改革意見,特別在監所的環境品質方面,並藉此提供相關政府組織建議報告,作為監獄改革參考資料,讓這些意見能真正發揮影響力。
3️⃣. Prison Reform Trust實際分享調查結果後給監所後,多達100位受刑人展開了熱烈的討論,在監所中有很大的迴響。目前正在推動Leadership programme,主張監獄內的改革必須由受刑人來領導,透過培養監獄的領導人,帶動整體監獄的改變,挖掘聰明有潛力的人,不光是問他們問題,也分享資訊給他們,建立他們的自信與溝通技巧。
接受訪問的Soruche相當親切有趣,對於監獄議題侃侃而談,他認為較嚴重的罪行才需判處監禁,希望能讓輕刑受刑人有機會對其所傷害的人進行補償;並採取行動為自己設立目標,建立責任感。我們同時也發現英國與台灣的監所議題有許多相似之處,監所超載、零用金無法負荷生活支出,Prison Reform Trust提供信任的意見蒐集平台,給予受刑人希望,改變獄政體制,成功為未來帶來轉變。
‘You can’t create a community unless everyone has a voice.’ The saying is from the project called Prison Policy Network, which is hosted by Prison Reform Trust.
Prison Reform Trust (PRT) is an independent UK charity working to create a just, humane and effective penal system. They listen to prisoners and their families and provide a channel for them to give voices, and promote their opinions to make changes happen.
One of PRT’s visions is reducing unnecessary imprisonment and promoting community solutions to crimes. In England, adult prisoners are divided into 4 security categories, from highest to lowest being Category A down to D. Category D prisoners are held in “Open Prisons” in which they are trusted to be able to go around the prison freely without any risks, and prisoners are allowed to work outside of the prison in the community or have short home visits for a set number of hours per week. It minimizes chances of reoffending for inmates who need to be gradually reintegrated into society.
The Prisoner Policy Network is a network of prisoners, ex-prisoners, and supporting organizations, making prisoners’ experiences be part of prison policy development nationally. It will be a collective voice from a prisoner viewpoint in the police world.
Soruche from PRT considers that the Leadership program should be the next step for prisoners. It could develop prisoners’ personal leadership skills, building their self-confidence, improving communication skills, and sharing their expertise and experience with each other. By doing so, it would definitely make changes happen in prisons.